13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together

When you work out together, your energies are jut more in sync. A couple that works out together will be so much stronger in life, and in the gym. They know that they can persevere through anything even though they think they can’t. Your fit bodies will work way better in the bedrooms, and it’ll just strengthen both of you from the inside out in an incomparable way.

13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 21. Setting goals together in the gym leads to more accomplishments in life.
You push and encourage each other to work out and push past the hard stuff. So when they have an issue at work or something else that’s bothering them, you’re already used to coaching them, so you can coach them to get past the hard time and remind them of their perseverance. Your strength allows the other to be strong in moments of weakness, and that’s important.
13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 32. You’ll have a better sex life.
The sense of accomplishment will get you ahead of the game in the sheets and turn each other on. You’ll both also be more fit and muscular in the sack, which will naturally lead to more flexible and generally improved bedroom sessions and orgasms.
13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 43. You have another mutual interest in common.
You have a common passion interest that bonds you, he might love basketball and you’re more into fashion, but working out unites you as a force. Bonding over interests that you’re both passionate about can make a couple way closer and reinforce the closeness of your relationship.
13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 54. You understand that the gym is as important as date night.
You don’t get jealous of the gym about stealing your partner from you. If they spend a couple of hours at the gym, you support and encourage them instead of resenting them for not hanging out with you. You totally get the need to zone out and be unreachable for a couple of hours. It’s all about support and understanding.
13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 65. You won’t be able to make excuses anymore. 
Guilt tripping yourself is pretty bad, but having the person that regularly sees you naked guilt trip you about skipping out on the gym is a big bummer, and we can’t think of a better or more urgent motivation. No more excuses – a good partner should teach you to push yourself, not let you give in to your vices.
13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 76. Trying out new activities and classes together is really fun.
There’s nothing like having someone who understands being excited about spicing up a workout routine. You can take your lover salsa dancing, go biking somewhere beautiful, or do partner yoga, which can also be very intimate. More adventurous couples can try hard ‘’’hikes or rock climbing. If you’re looking to surprise your man, replace your gym time with pole dancing classes for the next couple of months.
13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 87. Neither of you are grossed out by sweat. 
And you’re also not grossed out by having a date night scheduled promptly after a workout. You’re not self conscious about not looking cute, or anything about your physical appearance really. Sweating is actually sexy to you. You’re seen each other at your worst, and that is true love. Also, you can take a steamy shower after, which is amazing foreplay.
13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 98. You both understand the importance of eating clean, and eat the same food.
You keep a similar diet so you rarely argue about what’s for dinner. Cooking together is sexy and fun and your mutual goal is to be fulfilled, but healthy.

13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 109. This also infers that you can share the same cheat day!
And there’s nothing more fun than indulging together. There’s nothing like romantic bonding over mac and cheese, or a large pizza pie. Neither of you feel gross or guilty because you know you’ll work it out at the gym that week.
13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 1110. You understand the importance of massages.
And you both have strong hands from all those workouts. You dedicate true time to rubbing each other’s sore muscles and tension away, no five minute pansy rub that non gym-goers in relationships give each other. You are actually eager to massage each other, and then experience the warm touch of your babe.
13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 1211. You’ll perfect the art of encouraging each other.
Workouts and getting your mind to surpass boundaries so your physical self can overcome is one of the most powerful things you can do. It will change the way you approach work and tackle problems or conflict, feeling as though you can overcome anything. With you both mutually understanding this, you can help each other through the toughest hurdles.

13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 1312. It makes presents and gifts an easier task.
Forget buying some perfume or jewelry they’re never going to wear – get them something they can use in their workout routines and they’ll be grateful forever. Buy her some fancy Lululemon tights that show off her assets, and buy him that exclusive protein powder and compression gear he’s had his eye on.
13 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together 1413. You’ll fight less. 
You replace endorphins by working out, and you know how to release your anger in a healthy way. Kickboxing after a little argument will make you forgive your significant other in no time at all. Your moods are generally energetic, and pleasant, so the irritability and moodiness that causes fights isn’t even there to begin with!
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